Service Center hours of operations will change from 9am – 6pm ET to 9am – 5pm ET Monday-Friday
Impacted services:
Please note that the Sales Desk Option 1 remains open from 9am-6pm ET, Monday – Friday
424452 US 03/25
Option 1: Sales Support
Pre-sales support, product information, and marketing material.
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm ET
Option 2: New Business, Underwriting & Risk Assessment (pre-sales quotes)
For case specific inquiries -
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm ET
Option 3: Payment Services
For banking and draw date changes, change your method of payment or payment frequency, and to request a withdrawal.
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm ET
Option 4: Contracting
Contracting Paperwork -
Correspondence -
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm ET
Option 5: Compensation
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm ET
Option 6: Claims
To report a new claim or check on the status of a pending claim.
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm ET
Option 7: Inforce Business
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm ET
Option 8: Contact information
Option 9: Company Directory
Mailing Address:
New applications and requirements, Inforce Premium Payment checks and/or Loan Repayment checks may be mailed to the address below or faxed to Foresters:
Regular U.S. postal mail:
Foresters Financial
PO BOX 179
Buffalo NY 14201 - 0179
Courier/ Overnights:
Foresters Financial
C/O Frontier Distributing
Attention: New Business
2221 Kenmore Ave
Suite 108
Buffalo NY 14207-1306
Member Information
If your clients have a member inquiry, call: