Foresters products and their riders may not be available or approved in all states and are subject to underwriting approval, limitations, contract terms and conditions, and state variations. Refer to the applicable Foresters Producer Guide and the insurance contract for your state for these terms and conditions. Products underwritten by The Independent Order of Foresters. Insurability depends on answers to medical and other application questions and underwriting searches and review. Foresters Financial and Foresters are trade names and trademarks of The Independent Order of Foresters (a fraternal benefit society, 789 Don Mills Road, Toronto, ON, Canada M3C 1T9) and its subsidiaries. N565 For Producer use only. Not for use with the public. Strong Foundation Term is not available in NY. 419955 US 06/21

Diabetes Rating Calculator
Use this tool to determine the potential rating for your clients living with diabetes for Strong Foundation Term.
Calculated rating for the proposed insured is:
Based on the data entered, Strong Foundation Term is not offered. Please consider a fully underwritten product.
Calculated rating for the proposed insured is:
Based on the data entered, the above rating may be available for Strong Foundation Term, subject to application answers, underwriting searches and review.
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